HCA Calendar of Events 2022
Come Join Us!
Our calendar includes a variety of events. “HCA Official Events” indicate where and when we will be setting up encampments and reenacting civilian life in either the Civil War or Revolutionary War time periods. We are also holding a few workshops to help with various aspects of your ensemble, focusing on Bustle Fashions (1870’s & 80’s) this year. “HCA Goes To” items include some wonderful events that HCA members plan to attend but that are not encampment-centered, such as picnics and dances.
*HCA Membership Note: The requirements to be a Voting Member at our Summer Voting Meeting are attendance at one meeting and two official events (from July 2018-June 2019). In order to qualify for attending one of our official events you must help with either setup (usually the Friday before) or teardown (usually Sunday evening) of the camp in addition to joining us with your impression. Setting up an encampment is hard work, but having shade and a place to call home for the weekend next to your friends makes it all worth it!
Trafalgar Day Picnic
Regimentals or Regency attire Required. Shipmates, The Senior Service, the Army, Lords & Ladies, Dogs, Civilians, Spaniards, & Frenchmen are all welcome -provided they be well behaved. Activities and amenities yet to be determined.
Admission fee will be $14.00 per person.
Accompanied children under 10 years, without charge.
This is an Official Event.
Temecula Western Days
Western Days celebrates Temecula’s heritage with music and demonstrations by the Old Town Temecula Gunfighters, games and crafts for kids, and old west re-enactments. This is an FYI Event.
Tall Ships Festival
In celebration of California’s rich maritime history, the Ocean Institute annually hosts a fleet of historic tall ships that sail into Dana Point Harbor. This extraordinary event takes place each year the second weekend in September. History comes alive, as crews from each ship, along with historical re-enactors, engage the public in cannon battles, pirate adventures, mermaid encounters , ship tours, and much more. This is an FYI Event.
Northwest Colonial Festival
Step back in history to walk the colonial village encampment, march with the Redcoats, experience 18th century dancing and interpretations and hear the battle cry of defiant Patriots. This is an FYI Event.
Costume College
Costume College is an annual three-day costuming arts conference created and produced by Costumer’s Guild West, Inc.
Riley's Farm Colonial Festival
Riley’s Farm is proud to present the 6th annual Colonial Faire, an interactive cultural event aimed at entertaining and educating the public about life in the American colonies in the late 18th century! This is an FYI Event.
FTHA Annual Civil War Reenactment Invitational At Fort Tejon
This is an Official Event.
Grand Encampment
Roaring cannons, soaring planes, clanking tanks and the tramp of marching feet will fill the air at Flabob Airport Saturday and Sunday, June 4-5, at the Grand Encampment, a gathering of historical reenactors and vintage gear celebrating freedom fighters spanning three centuries of American history. The historical timeline event is open to the public both days, with a 1940s-themed Big Band dance Saturday evening. This is an FYI Event.